Legal notice

Portground GmbH

Postal address:
Portground GmbH
Postfach 1
04029 Leipzig

Terminalring 11
04435 Flughafen Leipzig/Halle

Phone: +49 (0)341 224-116
Fax: +49 (0)341-2244-1183
E-Mail: info(at)mdf-ag(dot)com

Commercial register number:
Amtsgericht Leipzig, HRB 17477

Sales tax ID number:
DE 212677746

Managing director and authorised representative:
Alexander König

Responsible in terms of the press law:
Uwe Schuhart

Platform for online dispute resolution:

The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court settlement of disputes. This gives consumers the opportunity to resolve disputes in connection with online purchase or online service contracts initially without going through the courts. The dispute resolution platform is available at the external link:

Please note that we will not participate in alternative dispute resolution procedures.

If you have any questions, suggestions or general feedback, please feel free to contact our staff via the contact form or by phone.